Come cambiare lingua su Google Earth?

Below is the structured text using Markdown syntax:

To change the language, choose Strumenti. Option: Choose the "Generali" section.

  • Select a language in the language settings. Suggestion: Select "Predefinito" to use the language settings of your current computer.

How can I use KML in Google Maps? How to open a KML file using Google Maps?

  1. Launch the Google Earth application on your Android device.
  2. Click on the "Progetti" menu.
  3. Click on "Apri" in the top panel. Click on "Importa file KML" if you want to import a file directly from the device.
  4. Choose the file to include.
  5. Tap on "Indietro" to return to the map and open the file.

How can I download KML? To download KML, install Google Earth Pro through this link: Google Earth Pro. The download process for the Google Earth Pro installation file will start automatically if you click on the "Scarica Google Earth Pro su desktop" button.

How can I use Google Earth to open a KML file? If you have a KML file from a previous version of Google Earth, you can open it with these steps: Open Google Earth on your computer. Then, on the left, click on the "Nuovo progetto" button. To directly add the file from your computer, choose "Importa file KML". Finally, choose the KML file to open.

Additionally, how can I change my language? Additionally, you can access the main menu and choose "Impostazioni" to change the language. Then, select "Sistema" and then "Lingue e immissione". Click on "Aggiungi una lingua" to add a new language. Then, drag the preferred language to the top of the list.

How can I change the language of websites? Here’s how to change the language of websites: First, open Chrome on your computer. Then, in the top right, click on "Altro" and select "Impostazioni". Next, at the bottom of the page, click on "Avanzate" and choose "Lingue". Now, click on "Altro" and select "Visualizza Google Chrome in questa lingua". Finally, to make the changes effective, restart Chrome. I sincerely hope these instructions are helpful to you.

How can I import my location in Google Earth? Google Earth My Locations:

  • Open Google Earth to save geographic data on your computer.
  • Go to the "Salva file" menu.
  • Go to the left panel of the new window and select a folder.

Therefore, what format is KML? KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is an XML-based language used in programs like Google Earth, Google Maps, EarthBrowser, and Google Desktop to handle three-dimensional geospatial data. So, how can I download a KML file from Google Earth? Export the scene from the Google Earth KML file by clicking on the Output group tab. Select the "Esporta modello in relazione ad altezza terreno" checkbox in the KML Options dialog to allow Google Earth to measure all heights starting from the ground. How can I start a KML document? KML file formats are used by tools like Google Earth, a free program that allows opening files with this extension. Additionally, files with the KML extension can be viewed online without having to download a program to your computer.

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