Come si sdoppia lo schermo del pc?

If you want to know how to split the screen of your computer on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Click on the ring icon.
  3. Go to More screens in the Screen section.
  4. Click on the dropdown menu and select Duplicate or Extend screen.
  5. Click on Keep changes and you’re done.

Modifying keyboard functions is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the keyboard to configure.
  2. To access the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center, click on the Start button.
  3. From the list of displayed key names, select the key you want to reassign.
  4. Choose a command from the list of key commands you want to reassign.

You can write in Spanish using an Italian keyboard by following these steps:

  1. Press Alt and type the number 164 simultaneously on the numeric keypad.
  2. The same method applies to type the uppercase version of the letter Ñ, but you have to type the number 165 after pressing Alt.

The letter Ñ (lowercase ñ) is a letter of the modern Latin alphabet composed of the letter N and a tilde. It is mainly used in Spanish, where it is called "eñe" to represent the sound of a palatal nasal ([ɲ]). It is also used in Basque, Quechua, Filipino, Asturian, Galician, and Leonese. This sound corresponds to the sound of the gn digraph in Italian.

If you didn’t know already, you can write the letter Ñ on your computer even if you don’t have an Italian keyboard. Here’s how:

  1. To type the lowercase ñ, press Alt+164 and input the numbers using the numeric keypad on the right.
  2. To type the uppercase Ñ, press Alt+165.

On average, the MacBook Air lasts for about ten years, barring any unforeseen hardware issues. Apple will support operating systems released from 2026 to 2029, while most third-party tools will support it until at least 2031.

If your Mac computer is not responding to your keystrokes, try the following steps:

  1. Unplug and reconnect the keyboard. Make sure the connector is fully inserted into the port.
  2. Connect the keyboard to an alternative USB port or another Mac computer. If the problem persists, your Mac may need repair.
  3. Add another keyboard to the Mac computer.

According to an analyst who calculated the total number of devices produced by Apple and currently in operation, the average lifespan of an Apple product is four years and three and a half months.

To open two windows simultaneously on Windows 11, follow these steps:

  1. Open the desired application.
  2. Press the Windows key + Left/Right arrow keys. The current window will be positioned in the center of the screen.
  3. Choose another window to fill the other half of the screen.

To tile two windows in Windows 11, do the following:

  1. Open the Settings app using the Start menu or the Win + I shortcut.
  2. Navigate to the system and multitasking.
  3. Expand the entry and open the windows.

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