Come svuotare la voce altro su iPhone?

To remove additional voices on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select General.
  3. Tap on Accessibility.
  4. Choose VoiceOver and then Voice.
  5. Select the voice or voices that you do not use and remove them.

Please note that the "Other" category on your iPhone also contains non-removable resources such as CloudKit database, keychain, Spotlight indexing, fonts, dictionaries, and Siri voices. Although these components cannot be deleted, you can still free up space by managing other components.

To remove other information from Android memory, follow these steps:

  1. In the Settings section of your Android device, go to Apps.
  2. Select the desired application icon.
  3. Press the Clear cache button in the Storage section to complete the operation.

To check the amount of available space on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Search for Settings.
  2. Select General and then iPhone Storage.
  3. A list of tips to increase your device’s storage usage will be displayed, followed by a list of installed apps and the space used by each app.
  4. To obtain more information, tap on the name of an app.

Hello, the Android system cache data is indicated by the "Other" folder in the Internal Memory. In addition to game data, which usually takes up a lot of space, there are also files created and logically stored in the app cache.

To remove apps and other components from your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Access the WhatsApp settings.
  2. Click on Storage and Data and manage the space.
  3. Click on More than 5 MB, forward multiple times, or choose a specific chat.
  4. What you can do is:
    • Click on Delete.
    • Click on Delete Item or Delete Items.

Actually, the occupied space is divided into "WhatsApp media", which includes photos or documents, and "apps and other elements". In this case, the user can act on the first category of content. The following is a list of chats ordered by their space size on the smartphone.

To remove other files on Android, follow these steps:

  1. After finding a file that takes up too much space on your device, long-press on it.
  2. From the bottom bar that appears, tap on Move to move it to a microSD card, Delete to delete it, or Share to directly upload it to a cloud storage service.

Here’s how you can empty the cache and delete all app data on Android:

  1. View the Settings.
  2. Find the tab called Applications by scrolling through the list of tabs.
  3. Choose an application you like.
  4. Select Storage.
  5. To empty the cache, click on Clear cache at the bottom right.

To free up phone and memory storage without deleting anything, you can:

  • Remove unnecessary photos and videos from the phone’s memory.
  • Uninstall unused applications.
  • Save space on your phone by using appropriate apps.

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