Come usare Google immagini su iPhone?

  1. Go to on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Discover an image.
  3. Click on an image.
  4. Search for images associated with the selected one.

To perform image searches on a mobile device, you can use ImageSearchMan on Android. It is a free application with a simplified Google image search interface. If you have a device without Google services, you can download it using the normal download procedure from the Play Store or other stores.

Google Images is an online tool provided by "Big G" and directly linked to the well-known search engine. It allows you to find images based on typed terms and perform searches for similar shots.

  1. Launch the Google or Chrome application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Visit the website that contains the photo.
  3. Long-press on the image you want to search for.
  4. Choose to use Google Lens for the search.
  5. Select the search mode you want to use.

Additionally, you may ask: How can I use Google Images? Methods used by Google Images:

You can directly access the service’s homepage by typing the keyword that corresponds to the image. Alternatively, you can use the basic search engine and then click on the "Images" tab. A sequence of images can be obtained in this way.

Furthermore, how can I use Google to find similar images?

  1. Google Image Search allows searching by file or URL of an online image.
  2. After performing an initial search by typing a word, you can hover over one of the found images with the mouse and then click on "Similar" or "Other sizes".

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