Come usare WeTransfer su PC?

To use WeTransfer, follow these steps:

  1. Access the WeTransfer website.
  2. Upload the file you want to send to the service’s servers.
  3. Enter the recipient’s email address or select to receive a shareable link.
  4. Confirm the subscription.

It only takes a few seconds to create a WeTransfer link:

  1. Go to the WeTransfer website.
  2. Click on the "+" symbol to enter the desired data.
  3. Click on the three-dot icon in the bottom left corner to choose whether to send the files via email or simply share them.

Gmail can send attachments up to 25 MB in size. If this limit is exceeded, you can use Google Drive, a cloud storage service, to share larger files as long as they don’t exceed the available space on your 15 GB basic personal storage.

To check your phone’s memory:

  1. Go to the device settings.
  2. Select the Applications section.
  3. Look for the Settings entry to access the rewards.
  4. Go to the SD card and memory tab, where you will see a screen displaying the available space on your Android’s internal and external memory.

To compress and decompress files:

  1. Choose the file or folder you want to compress.
  2. Press and hold the file or folder or right-click and choose "Send to" and then "Compressed folder". A new zip folder with the same name will be created in the same location.

To create a new folder on your computer:

  1. Click on "New folder".
  2. After typing the folder name, press ENTER.
  3. To save a document in a new folder, open it, choose "File" and "Save As". Then, go to the new folder and click "Save".

To send a zipped folder:

  1. Select the compressed folder and right-click to open the menu.
  2. Choose the "Send to" option and then select "Mail recipient" or similar.
  3. Proceed to transmit the folder via email as usual.

To recover a deleted file from WeTransfer:
You can use a unique method to recover an expired WeTransfer file since the download link has a limited duration:

  1. Contact the file’s author and ask them to resend it if you are the recipient.

You can send documents, such as text files, videos, and images, up to 2 GB in size using WeTransfer. You can send the message to twenty email addresses simultaneously without registering or subscribing to the website.

To send files up to 10 GB for free, you can use SendTransfer, a website that allows file transfers up to 10 GB. It is one of the best file transfer services and solves the problem of sending large files.

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