Come selezionare le mail non lette su Gmail?

  • To find unread emails in Gmail, follow these steps:
    1. Open your Gmail account in a web browser.
    2. Type "is:unread" in the search box and press Enter.
    3. Gmail will list all the unread emails for you.
  • If you are using the Google account panel on Windows or cmd+f on macOS, you can view all emails by pressing the Ctrl+F key combination. This will open a search box, where you can type "@" to display all the email addresses you have saved while accessing websites.
  • To view previous messages in Gmail, follow these steps:
    1. Open the Gmail Inbox menu.
    2. Scroll through all the labels.
    3. Open a label, and you will see all the messages sorted by the date received.
    4. Also, check the trash folder as you may have accidentally deleted a message.
  • You can read emails on your mobile phone using the free and official Freemail app. Additionally, you can set up other email services such as Gmail, Outlook, Virgilio, Tiscali, and many more to receive your messages.

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