Che cos’è il formato ePub?

ePub is an open standard specifically designed for publishing digital books (eBooks) based on XML. It is also known as EPub, epub, or EPUB.

How to Download ePub Books?

To download books in ePub format, you need to have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. You can download it for free from On the other hand, to read books in PDF format, you simply need to have Adobe Reader on your computer, which is usually pre-installed on most computers.

Creating an ePub File

Creating an ePub file is as easy as follows:

  1. Choose File.
  2. Then select Export as and choose EPUB.
  3. Click Next and choose where to export the book.
  4. Finally, to view the book in the Books application on Mac, simply double-click the book file and click Export.

Types of eBook Files

An eBook is a type of file that includes an electronic or e-text document. It is saved in an electronic format, such as ePub, among others. To read an eBook, you need to use compatible reading software for the chosen format. Additionally, it is recommended to use a hardware device called an eBook reader, which utilizes e-ink technology for a better text reading experience.

Reading ePub Format on Kindle

Since Kindle does not support the ePub format, it cannot be read directly. To read an ePub format on Kindle, you need to convert the file from ePub to the Kindle-supported mobi format and then copy the converted file to the Documents folder on your Kindle device.

Reading ePub Format on Kobo

To access a recently added file on your Kobo eReader:

  1. Choose the Home screen.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, select My Books.
  3. To start reading, tap on the name of the added book.

Converting ePub to PDF

Calibre is the safest and most comprehensive program for converting ePub to PDF. It is an open-source program that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing you to manage your digital library freely and completely.

Downloading a Book to Your Computer

To install books for offline reading on your computer:

  1. Go to your collection on your computer.
  2. Download the book.
  3. Click Export as EPUB or Export as PDF to choose the file type you want to download.
    • If you chose the EPUB format, you can use a reading application like iBooks or Adobe Digital Editions to read the book.
    • You might also ask: How does downloading a book work? Downloading and reading books on a device—Ensure your Android phone or tablet is connected to Wi-Fi.
      • Launch the Google Play Books application.
      • Choose the book to download. You can also click on More. Download and read the book offline.

Creating and Selling an eBook

To create and sell an eBook, the most common solutions are:

  • Publishing and selling your own products directly on your blog or website.
  • Referring to an eBook Marketplace. The most famous one is Amazon’s Kindle Store, which serves as an online showcase for digital books.

Creating a Free eBook

Methods for creating eBooks with VistaCreate:

  1. Choose the desired format. On the VistaCreate homepage, select the eBook format and start editing.
  2. Choose a template. Browse the templates and select the one that best suits your content.
  3. Customize.
  4. Download and share.

Formats Supported by Kobo

You can purchase an eBook in various formats, including PDF, which is the most common format for document exchange, ePub, AZW (compatible only with Kindle), TXT, and MOBI. In any case, PDF and ePub formats are the most used on eReaders, particularly on Kobo devices.

Converting ePub to AZW is a free website that allows you to convert multiple files simultaneously. Therefore, you can convert your EPUB file to AZW or AZW3. After adding your EPUB files, choose the conversion format you want, such as AZW or AZW3, and click Convert Now.

Reading Books on Kobo

While reading on your Kobo eReader, tap the center of the screen to skip pages. The reading menu will appear.

  • To scroll through the entire book, drag the circle icon on the left or right side of the navigation bar.
  • To start reading, tap the page preview in the center of the screen.

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