Come aggiungere un account non Gmail?

To add more email addresses to Gmail on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Open the similar app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap on the button with three horizontal lines at the top left.
  3. Scroll down until you see "Settings" and tap on it.
  4. Select "Add account".
  5. To identify your Google account, go to the login page at
  6. Enter your Gmail username followed by "".

Difference Between an Account and a Password

The username is commonly known to everyone and the system administrator always has access to it. On the other hand, the password is strictly linked to the user and they are solely responsible for it.

Benefits of Having a Google Account

Having a Google account in this context means having an advanced, fast, and up-to-date email client. It is highly stable, offers a large storage space (25 GB), and is fully integrated into the Android system.

What is ProtonMail?

ProtonMail is an encrypted email service founded at the CERN research center in Switzerland in 2013.

Alternatives to Gmail

Here are some alternatives to Gmail with their storage space for attachments:

  • Yahoo Mail: 1 TB (1,000 GB)25 MB
  • AOL Mail: 250 GB25 MB
  • GMX: 1 GB, upgradeable to 2 GB with a browser add-on (Mailcheck)
  • Zoho Mail: 5 GB250 MB

Benefits of Using Outlook

With Outlook, you can manage your calendar, store contact names and numbers, and send and receive emails.

Free Email Providers

Here is a comparison of the best freemail providers:

  • Google Mail
  • Yahoo! Mail
  •,, and Mailbird
  • and GMX

Number of Google Accounts

You can manage multiple Gmail accounts. Google does not limit the number of accounts you can have or use. You can also easily switch between accounts on the Gmail website or app.

Adding a Google Account on Your Computer

To add a new Google account on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Access Google on your computer.
  2. Select your initial image or profile picture at the top right.
  3. Choose "Add account" from the menu.
  4. Follow the instructions to access the desired account.

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