Come aprire il NAT Wind?

To configure the static DHCP, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Network > LAN > Static DHCP.
  2. Click on "Enable" and choose the device from the dropdown menu that you want to use to open the ports.
  3. The following spaces will be automatically filled, then press OK.

To configure port forwarding, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Configurations > Network > NAT > Port Forwarding.
  2. To change the type of NAT on PlayStation 4, go back to the network settings and choose "Set Up Internet Connection".
  3. Choose the type of connection you want to use to start the configuration.
  4. Select "Custom" and manually set the IP address.

To open eMule ports on Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Considering this, it is possible to configure eMule ports on Windows 10.
  2. In the left menu, select "Advanced Settings" to open the ports.
  3. Among the available options, select "New Incoming Connection Rules" in the top left.
  4. Check if the following ports are included among the different entries you see.

To disable eMule on Windows 10 or remove eMule restrictions, follow these steps:

  1. For example, to use the Windows firewall, simply access the Control Panel, choose the System and Security section, then select eMule.
  2. Before doing this, select the "Change Settings" button.
  3. Then, check the box next to the program name.

To remove the blockage from eMule on Windows 10 using Windows Firewall, follow these steps:

  1. After verifying that eMule ports are blocked, you can use Windows Firewall to remove the blockage.
  2. To access Windows Firewall, choose Start, Control Panel, and Windows Firewall.

To view devices connected to the iPhone hotspot, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app and tap on Cellular.
  2. Scroll down in the Cellular Data section to see the apps that have used your data.
  3. Tap on Personal Hotspot to view the names of devices and data usage of users who have used your iPhone’s personal hotspot.

To view devices connected to the hotspot, follow these steps:

  1. Access the settings, select "Personal Hotspot" and "Connected Devices".
  2. By clicking on "Connected Devices", you can modify some useful settings, such as limiting the number of devices that can access your hotspot.

To see connected devices on iPhone hotspot, follow these steps:

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Tap on the Tethering or active hotspot message in the notification panel.
  3. To see who is connected to your device, scroll down the list that appears.

Regarding the suitability of a nation or the most advantageous one, considering NAT type 3 as the worst option due to its significant limitations on your console, the gaming experience with NAT 1 and NAT 2 is almost identical.

The difference between moderate NAT and open NAT is that moderate NAT allows access to sessions of users with open and moderate NAT, while restricted NAT only allows access to rooms of players with open NAT. However, how to achieve a moderate NAT is not mentioned in the text.

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