Come aprire un file firmato digitalmente?

To read files with the .p7m extension, you can use appropriate software. Dike is one of the most popular software for reading p7m files. If you don’t have it installed, don’t worry; you can download it for free on your computer.

Opening XML Files

To view an XML file, you can use the Notepad application on Windows. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Right-click on the XML file.
  2. Select "Open with > Notepad" from the menu.

That’s it! The XML file will open in the Notepad application.

Converting p7m to PDF

To convert a p7m file to a PDF, you can use the software that comes with the p7m file. Here’s how:

  1. Open the software that accompanies the p7m file.
  2. Go to the File menu.
  3. Find the "Print" option.
  4. Select the "Print to File" option to save the file in PDF format.

Reading p7m Files Online

If you want to read p7m files online without any costs, you can use the PosteCert online service. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the attachment to open the file.
  2. Choose the p7m file you want to read.
  3. Click on the "Verify Signature" button.

Converting p7m to PDF Online

If you want to convert a p7m file to a PDF for free using the internet, you can use the MKT.IT online platform. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Upload the p7m file to the website.
  2. The website allows you to export the file as a PDF.

Opening Certified Mail Files

To open a certified mail file, you can use a viewer like Excel to read XML files. Alternatively, you can use free software like AssoInvoice or an online application like Aconvert to convert them to PDF.

Reading Certified Mail in Gmail

To read certified mail in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Gmail and click on the settings gear icon on the left side of the page.
  2. In the settings menu, click on the "Accounts" tab.
  3. Under the message sending settings, choose "Add another email address".
  4. Enter the necessary PEC address.

Using Acrobat to Open p7m Files

To open p7m files with Acrobat, follow these instructions:

  1. Save the attachment you received as a pdf.p7m file (e.g., in your computer’s download folder).
  2. Choose "Choose File" and open the file you saved earlier, for example, in the Download folder.
  3. Select "Verify Signature".
  4. Now, you can open a PDF file using the Adobe Acrobat Reader application.

Reading Digitally Signed PDF Files

To read digitally signed PDF files, you can use a common PDF reader like Acrobat Reader, which allows for accurate reading and verification of the content in the latest versions.

Using the Aruba Key to Read p7m Files

To access a p7m file using the Aruba key for digital signatures in the PAdES format, select the "Verify" icon in the p7m. Please note that this procedure is not applicable to PDF files.

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