Come avere Alexa in tutte le stanze?

How to Listen to the Same Music in Multiple Rooms with Alexa

To listen to the same music in multiple rooms or have stereo playback with bass using Alexa, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Alexa app.
  2. Go to "Devices".
  3. Select "Combine Speakers".
  4. Choose "Multi-Room Music".
  5. Follow the instructions in the app to complete the setup.

How to Use Alexa Without Touching Your Phone

An update to the Alexa app now allows users to use the voice assistant on Android and iOS devices without touching their phones. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Alexa app.
  2. Enable the hands-free option.
  3. You can now interact with Alexa without touching your phone.

How Does Alexa’s Lighting Work?

To control your lights with Alexa, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Amazon Alexa app.
  2. Go to "Devices".
  3. Set up the desired commands for Alexa to control your lights.
  4. You can now say commands like "Alexa, turn on the kitchen lights" or "Alexa, turn on the blue LED lights".

Cost of Using Alexa

Using Alexa does not require a monthly subscription. However, with an annual cost of 999 rupees for Amazon Prime, you can access additional benefits such as free music. Using Amazon Alexa itself does not have a monthly cost.

Italian Female Voice of Alexa

The Italian female voice of Alexa is Nina Rolle. She is the voice with which users interact with Alexa.

Cost and Functionality of Alexa

The prices of Alexa devices range from 29.99€ to 249.99€, depending on the model and technical specifications. The Echo Show 3rd generation is currently the most expensive device in the Amazon line, while the Echo Flex is the cheapest.

Super Alexa Mode Cheat Code

To activate Super Alexa Mode, use the following cheat code: "Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start". Super Alexa Mode is a fun Easter egg to unlock.

Controlling Samsung TVs with Alexa

To control Samsung TVs with Alexa, follow these steps:

  1. Enable the Samsung SmartThings skill in the Amazon Alexa app.
  2. Log in with your Samsung account.
  3. Once Samsung SmartThings is enabled, Alexa should automatically connect to your TV.
  4. Use Alexa voice commands to turn the TV on and off.

If Alexa is unable to turn off the TV, it could be because the TV has entered standby mode and is not receiving the command. Wait for a minute and try turning off the TV again with Alexa.

How to Use Alexa to Turn On a Samsung TV

Although Samsung TVs are not natively compatible with Alexa, you can enable the Smart TV Remote capabilities to control your TV. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Amazon Alexa app.
  2. Tap the ☰ button and select "Skills & Games" from the menu.
  3. Enable the "Smart TV Remote" skill.

These steps will allow you to use Alexa to turn on your Samsung TV and perform other functions like changing channels, adjusting volume, opening applications, and more.

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