Come avere il NAT aperto su Xbox One?

To obtain an open NAT on Xbox Live, follow these steps:

  1. Check the current NAT type used by the console.
  2. Restore the network connection.
  3. Enable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) on the router.
  4. Configure a static IP address for Xbox One.
  5. Set up port forwarding.

As a result, which ports can be opened for an open NAT? In this case, the following ports need to be opened: TCP 80, 3074, and UDP 53, 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500. Remember to click "apply" on the "applications" screen after finishing. This screen will appear something like this after opening all the ports for both consoles.

How does Xbox NAT work?

Xbox NAT (Network Address Translation) is a process that hides the IP addresses of devices connected to the local network in the data packets sent over the Internet.

How to access Xbox router ports?

Here is the procedure to open Xbox router ports:

  1. Start by typing in the browser’s address bar to access the router. This is usually the assigned IP address for the device.
  2. Enter your username and password to log in, then click "Sign In."
  3. Find the section related to port mapping or WAN services.

How to change NAT from moderate to open?

By going to your router’s configuration page, you can change NAT from moderate to open. Find "Port Forwarding" and enable it. To save new ports, click "add." Now, choose the game ports and save the settings. As a result, your NAT type should be changed.

How to view NAT?

At this point, type the command "ipconfig." This way, you can easily find the IP address of the router in the section related to the default gateway. You can start NAT after acquiring this data. Which NAT is more effective? Which one is more advantageous? Setting aside NAT type 3, which is the worst available due to the significant limitations it will have on your console, the gaming experience with NAT 1 and NAT 2 is almost identical. Also, the question is: Which nation is the best? For PS4, NAT type 1 is the best, but it is not the best in terms of security. It is comparable to activating DMZ, which allows opening all the ports of the PlayStation 4 but may pose security issues. What are the possibilities for PS4? The PS4 ports that need to be opened are as follows: You should open 80, 433, 3478, and 3480 for outgoing TCP protocol, while you should open 3478 and 3479 for incoming UDP protocol. Regarding this, what is NAT? In computer networks, Network Address Translation (NAT) is a process that allows network devices like routers and firewalls to modify the IP address of packets that pass through a network.

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