Come bloccare la pubblicità su Youtube Chrome?

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If you use Google Chrome to eliminate ads on YouTube, you need to:

  1. Access the Chrome Web Store
  2. Select the option "Add" twice
  3. Install the free application AdBlocker for YouTube

To disable personalized ads on YouTube, follow these steps:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Choose Channel
  4. Go to Advanced settings
  5. Scroll down and find the Advertisements section
  6. Select the checkbox "Disable interest-based ads"

To disable adblocking on YouTube, follow these steps:

  • Go to Google Chrome Web
  • In the left field, search for "AdBlock for YouTube"
  • Choose one of the results
  • On the pop-up page, click on the link "Add to Chrome"

To disable AdBlock on Google Chrome, you can install it this way:

  1. Search for AdBlock in the browser’s web store provided by
  2. Install the extension

To find the AdBlock icon, you should see it next to the address bar in the top-left corner of the Safari window.

To insert an ad block, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon with three horizontal lines in the top-right corner of a Chrome window to access the menu
  2. Navigate to the Settings section
  3. Scroll down and open the Advanced settings section
  4. Look for the Pop-ups and redirects option
  5. For ads, select the Blocked option, which is the recommended choice

To start blocking ads, do the following:

  • On Android, depending on your device, search for Google Settings in one of the following places:
    • In the separate Google Settings app
    • In the Main Settings tool: Scroll down and select Google, then go to Ads
  • Select the option Disable interest-based ads

To disable AdBlock, follow these steps:

  1. Find the AdBlock icon in the toolbar, usually in the top-right corner of your browser
  2. After clicking on the icon, a dropdown menu will appear
  3. Select the option "Don’t run on pages on this domain"

To find the extension icon, click on the icon to use the extension located to the right of the address bar. Note that your company may block some extensions if you are using a computer provided by your school or company.

To remove Total AdBlock, do the following:

  • Navigate to the Settings section of Firefox
  • Click on Add-ons
  • Identify the AdBlock option
  • Remove the AdBlock entry from the list of installed extensions in the browser
  • Close and restart the browser to complete the operation.

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