Come cambiare lo sfondo del cellulare?

To change the wallpaper on your Samsung phone, follow these steps:

  1. On the Home screen of your phone, press and hold an empty space to bring up the options menu.
  2. Select "Wallpapers and Styles". If you don’t see this option, select "Wallpapers" instead.
  3. Click on "Change Wallpaper".
  4. Choose either "Set Wallpaper" or "Done" at the bottom.
  5. Select which screens you want the wallpaper to appear on, if the option is available.

How to Change the Wallpaper on Xiaomi Phones

To change the wallpaper on Xiaomi phones, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Settings" and choose "Lock screen & wallpaper" in the app menu.
  2. Scroll down and select "Glance for Mi".
  3. Activate the toggle switch by clicking on it.
  4. The wallpaper on your Xiaomi device will now be changed.

How to Resize the Screen Using the Keyboard

To resize elements on the screen using the keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + (plus) or – (minus) key to zoom in or out.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and press 0 to reset the zoom level to normal.

How to Resize the Screen

To resize the screen, follow these steps:

  1. In the Settings menu, click on the gear icon and select "General".
  2. Click on "Reset" and select "Reset Home Layout".
  3. Finally, click on "Reset Home Screen" to confirm your choice.

How to Adjust the Screen to Fit the Display

To adjust the screen to fit the display, follow these steps:

  1. If you’re using a mouse, position the mouse pointer on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on "Settings" and then on "Change PC settings".
  3. On all devices and PCs, tap or click on "Screen" before going to "Display".
  4. In the list of multiple monitors, choose one of the following options: "Extend".

How to Download Free Wallpapers

To download free wallpapers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Pixabay website and use the search field to find free wallpapers.
  2. After selecting the image you want to use as your desktop wallpaper, click on the green "Free Download" button on the top right and start the download.

What is Dynamic Lock Screen?

A service known as "Dynamic Lock Screen" automatically displays images of animals, landscapes, and other elements on the lock screen of your Galaxy phone. The service is updated every two weeks. Each time it is activated, the screen will show a series of images.

How to Remove the Xiaomi Wallpaper Carousel Icon

To remove the Wallpaper Carousel icon from your Xiaomi phone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings.
  2. Choose "Always-on display & Lock screen".
  3. Click on "Wallpaper Carousel".
  4. Disable "Activate" on the next page. This will prevent the Wallpaper Carousel from functioning.

How to Modify Xiaomi Themes

Create the perfect theme for your Xiaomi smartphone with the MIUI Theme Editor. The MIUI Theme Editor, an official tool from Xiaomi, offers this capability instead of using external software. You can use it to modify third-party themes (just have the MTZ file) or create a new one.

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