Come faccio a scaricare le foto da iPhone a PC?

To download images from your iPhone to a PC, follow these steps:

  1. Use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to the PC, which allows file transfer.
  2. Unlock your phone to access it. If the device is locked, the PC won’t detect it.
  3. Select the Start button on your computer and choose "Photos" to open the Photos application.
  4. Choose "Import from a USB device" and follow the instructions.

To download images from your iPhone using iCloud, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the "Photos" option on on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  2. By tapping the "Select" option, you can choose a photo or video.
  3. Tap on the desired items if you need to select multiple photos or videos.
  4. Click on "Select All" if you want to select the entire library.
  5. Then, click the "More" button and choose "Download".
  6. Finally, click the "Download" option to confirm the download.

To transfer images from your PC to iPhone using iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. If your iPhone doesn’t open automatically, connect it to the computer using a USB cable.
  2. Open iTunes and go to the device tab.
  3. Select the photos you want and make sure photo synchronization is enabled.

To copy photos from an iPhone to a USB flash drive on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your PC.
  2. Among the displayed folders, access the "DCIM" folder.
  3. Save the images to the flash drive.

To transfer images from your iPhone to an external hard drive, follow these steps:

  1. Open the device manager and select the photos you want.
  2. Choose the path to your external hard drive by clicking "Send to PC".
  3. Verify the files on the computer after the transfer.

These instructions should help you download iPhone photos to an external hard drive.

Without using iCloud or iTunes, you can transfer photos from your PC to iPhone using OneDrive. By copying and pasting the photos into a folder on OneDrive, the new files will automatically sync to the cloud. You can also upload photos and videos to specific locations using the OneDrive application for Windows. Finally, download the OneDrive app on your iPhone from the App Store.

Using a USB cable and Windows File Explorer is another way to transfer iPhone photos. You can directly copy the photos to the DCIM folder of your iPhone by accessing the device’s internal memory using the computer. You can then access them using the Photos application.

You can use the iCloud Photo Library, a feature introduced by Apple in iOS 8.1, to automatically upload photos and videos taken with the iPhone to iCloud (thus online) if you don’t want to use iTunes and don’t want to physically connect the iPhone to the computer.

Connecting a USB drive to an iPhone is as easy as this: Go to settings and choose Face ID and passcode or Touch ID and passcode. If it’s locked, enable the USB Accessories feature under Allow Access. To be able to connect USB accessories, you may need to unlock your iOS or iPadOS device if the USB Accessories setting is disabled.

To connect the camera to the computer, the USB cable is the most commonly used method. Once the cable is connected to the smartphone, a window appears asking for consent to transfer the data. This is because the cable can only be enabled for charging.

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