Come faccio a scaricare un album di musica da YouTube?

To download an album or playlist on the YouTube Music app, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the YouTube Music app menu.
  2. Select "Download" wherever an album or playlist is available.
  3. On the album or playlist details page, you can also click on the arrow for download.

To start downloading music for free on Telegram, simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose the search bar.
  2. Type in "Genre of music," "Artist + songs," or "Artist + songs."
  3. Enter one of the top channels that appear.
  4. Find the song you want by browsing through the messages or clicking on the download icon.

Here is a list of websites where you can download music for free in MP3 format:

  • Bee MP3
  • MP3Juices
  • Free Music Archive
  • SoundCloud
  • NoiseTrade
  • ccMixter

Download the music from the following portals:

  • "Soundcloud"
  • "MP3Juices"
  • ccMixter
  • Zedge
  • Bee MP3 file
  • Free Music Archive
  • NoiseTrade

The preferred sites for downloading complete music albums are:

  1. ByClick Downloader
  2. FreeSound
  3. iMusic
  4. Jamendo
  6. Public Domain 4U
  7. Free Music Archive
  8. Audionautix

The recommended Telegram bot for downloading music is VK Music Bot. You can add it to your Telegram by clicking here or searching for "@vkmusic_bot" in the search bar.

To download music from Telegram, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Telegram application on your mobile phone.
  2. To search for the bot, type "Vkm_bot" in the search box at the top.
  3. Click on Vkm_bot to open the tab.
  4. To start the bot, press "Start" at the bottom of the page.

Here are some of the best apps for downloading music for free:

  • Fildo (Android)
  • Spotify (Android/iOS/Windows Phone)
  • Amazon Music (Android/iOS)
  • Apple Music (iOS/Android)
  • YouTube Music (Android/iOS)
  • Jamendo Music (Android/iOS)
  • Zedge (Android/iOS)

To download an album or playlist from Spotify:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your iPhone or Android device.
  2. Select the album or playlist you want to download.
  3. In the "Your Library" section, you can search for them or open them.
  4. Swipe right and turn green, then tap the "Download" switch below the green "Play" button.
  1. Go to the "tv & audio" section of the website.
  2. Access a dropdown menu.
  3. Under the "audio" section, click on "download music."
  4. If you’re unsure which CD to choose, there is a menu on the left with all the categories.

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