Come installare antispam?

To filter unread emails in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Gmail account.
  2. Type "is:unread" in the search bar.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. This will show all unread emails with unread messages or threads.
  5. Now, find the "Create filter" option in the search box menu.

To automatically delete spam emails in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Filters and Blocked Addresses" in the top bar.
  2. Select "Create a new filter".
  3. Enter your email address and the email address from which you receive spam.
  4. Click on "Create filter with this search".
  5. Enable the "Delete" option.
  6. Click on "Create filter".

To avoid receiving spam messages, follow these steps to block SMS spam on Android:

  1. Open the Google Messages app.
  2. Tap on the vertical ellipsis button (⋮).
  3. Choose the "Settings" dropdown menu.
  4. Go to "Advanced" and then "Spam protection".
  5. Enable the "Enable spam protection" switch.

To block spam calls on mobile phones, follow these steps:

  1. Do not disclose your personal number.
  2. Subscribe to the National Do Not Call Registry using your home phone.
  3. Use an app to block SMS on your smartphone.
  4. Create your own blacklist.
  5. Try Google’s phone antispam feature, available for Android in beta version.

You are receiving calls from numbers that have been identified as spam risk. This often happens because the owners of those numbers may have provided your personal data, such as your phone number, to scammers.

To view only unread emails in Gmail, you can use the "is:unread" command in the search bar for an immediate solution. If you want unread emails to always appear at the top, you need to modify the Inbox settings:

  1. Select the first email to read in the dropdown menu in the Mailbox Style section.
  2. Save the changes in the bottom section.

To block spam emails on Gmail Android, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Gmail app on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Open the message.
  3. In the message, select "More" in the top right corner.
  4. Click on "Block".

To delete a Gmail account, go to the Data & Privacy section of your Google account. Choose the "Your data and privacy options" section and follow the steps to delete your Google Account.

Spam refers to deceptive advertising sent through email, blog comments, social media posts, and any digital communication systems in general. It consists of unwanted messages with poor content that are often sent and created automatically in large quantities.

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