Come passare la Musica con iTunes?

To download music on an Android device, such as an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apple Music application.
  2. Tap and hold an album, playlist, or song that you want to add to your library.
  3. Click the "Add to Library" button.

To download music on iTunes from your PC, use the following steps:

  1. Download the music to your PC using iTunes.
  2. Open iTunes and find the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window.
  3. Choose Account > Purchased.
  4. If you choose "Family," you will see Family Purchases.
  5. Select Music from the menu in the top left corner of the iTunes window.

To import songs on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your iPhone to the computer using the provided cable.
  2. Activate music synchronization by choosing the "Music" section in the "iPhone" option.
  3. Choose the artists, albums, playlists, or genres of music you want to import.
  4. Finally, select "Music" in the "Playlist" section and click "Apply."

To import an audio CD on a Mac computer, follow these steps:

  1. In the Music application on your Mac, go to Music > Preferences, and then click on "Files."
  2. Click on "Import Settings" and choose the option "Use error correction when reading Audio CDs."
  3. Finally, open the CD and import the songs.

To download music from YouTube and put it on iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Go to YouTube and find a video, playlist, or channel that you want to upload to iTunes.
  2. Click on "Paste" in the video downloader.
  3. Choose the "Extract Audio" section and select the M4A format. Then, click "Extract."

To import music on an iPhone without using iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Use VLC, one of the easiest methods to import music on iPhone without iTunes.
  2. Connect your iPhone to the PC (running on Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  3. Transfer the data and move music and videos to the iPhone’s memory.

To download music from YouTube on an iPhone, use Total Downloader, one of the best apps for downloading music from YouTube. This free application, available on the Apple App Store, allows you to download music from the renowned video platform.

Yes, you can download audio files from a CD. Once you have set all the settings in Windows Media Player, check the box next to the track titles you want to copy to your computer. Then, to start the data transfer, click the "Copy from CD" button at the top left. The output files will be stored in the Music folder on your computer.

To copy songs from a CD to your computer, follow these steps using Windows Media Player:

  1. Insert the audio CD into the optical drive of your computer.
  2. Make sure the CD is inserted with the cover facing up.
  3. Close the pop-up window after inserting the CD into the drive.

To copy tracks from a CD to your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the disc you want to copy into the PC’s burner.
  2. Then, select the yellow folder icon at the bottom left of the taskbar in Windows File Explorer.
  3. Choose the CD/DVD drive icon from the left sidebar and copy all the files from the disc to the computer.

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