Come riconoscere una canzone con Google?

To identify the title of a song using the Google app, follow these steps:

  1. In the search bar, select the microphone icon.
  2. Search for a song or ask "What song is this?"
  3. You can also sing, whistle, or hum the melody of a song.
  4. Google will recognize the playback of a song.

To identify the music in notifications using Shazam, follow these steps:

  1. Swipe down to view Shazam in the notification bar.
  2. To start identifying the music, click the Shazam button.

To Shazam a song on Instagram using an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Instagram app to the latest version (release 13.25).
  2. Press and hold the Shazam logo in the center.
  3. Access the application that plays the song of interest.

To create a title for a song using just a few words or lyrics, you can use Musixmatch. Follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the "Search" button.
  2. Type in a few words or phrases from the song you are looking for.
  3. The application will show you all the songs that contain the specified phrase.

To find a song on YouTube without knowing the title, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Google search.
  2. Click on the microphone icon to activate voice dictation.
  3. Click on "Search for a song".
  4. Whistle or hum to determine the title of a song.

To activate "Auto Shazam" on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Open Shazam on your Android smartphone or tablet.
  2. Select the "Library" button.
  3. In the top-left corner of the screen, click on the gear icon.
  4. Find "Auto Shazam" among the options.
  5. To enable it, toggle the switch next to the option.

To create an Auto Shazam on iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on Auto Shazam in the Shazam app.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Press and hold the large button in the center to activate Auto Shazam.

To view the Shazam history using the app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shazam app.
  2. Swipe up to open the "My Music" tab.
  3. Click on "Shazam" to view all identified tracks.

To use Shazam on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shazam app.
  2. Press and hold the main Shazam logo.
  3. Make sure notifications are enabled in the app settings.
  4. Wait for automatic song recognition in another app.

If you hear a mysterious song, you can use the Shazam app to discover the song’s title. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the Shazam app.
  2. Point your phone at the music for a few seconds.
  3. The app will usually find the title and artist of the song you are listening to.

The AHA Music – Music Identifier extension for Google Chrome allows you to recognize a song even without a microphone. Follow these steps:

  1. Add the extension to Chrome.
  2. Start playing a video or audio on your computer.
  3. The extension will remember the song you are listening to.

Shazam is undoubtedly the most popular and widely used application in recent years. It is accessible to smartphone users and allows them to recognize a song in real-time by simply bringing their device close to the music source. To use Shazam on the same device, follow these steps:

  1. Install the update, which is currently limited to the Android version, unless you download it automatically.
  2. Open the application, select "My Shazam," and access the settings.
  3. Enable the Pop Up Shazam feature.

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