Come ripristinare le notifiche a comparsa di WhatsApp?

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To restore notification settings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Notifications
  3. Choose More options
  4. Reset the notifications
  5. Click on REIMPOSTA

How can I resolve the issue with WhatsApp notifications?

To resolve the problem with WhatsApp notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Check if the option Mostra notifiche per i messaggi e i gruppi is enabled

As a result, how can I configure pop-up notifications?

  1. Select the Settings application on your phone
  2. Tap on Notifications on the lock screen or on the lock screen in the Schermata di blocco section
  3. Choose the option to show alert and silent notifications

What does it mean when a pop-up notification is not available considering this?

The application’s pop-up notification service has been temporarily disabled because it was found to be incompatible with the new operating system. In fact, pop-up notifications are available for Android 9 and earlier versions, as indicated in the app’s FAQ.

As a result, why are notifications not being sent?

It is possible that this function is accidentally activated without you deliberately setting it. If you suddenly stop receiving notifications, check your smartphone settings to make sure that the "do not disturb" mode is not set.

Additionally, why am I not receiving WhatsApp notifications on my iPhone?

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on the corresponding icon
  3. Check that the Do Not Disturb mode is not active by clicking on the "Do Not Disturb" menu item
  4. Disable it in this case
  5. Also, go to Settings
  6. Search for the Notifications option
  7. Scroll down until you see WhatsApp in the list of apps

How can I enable WhatsApp pop-up notifications?

For Android:

  • Open WhatsApp and go to Notifications
  • Select Message Notifications and choose Pop-up Notification
  • Choose your preferred option

How can I enable pop-up notifications?

Simply go to Settings -> Lock screen -> Notifications, or you can find the option directly in the Notifications / App and Notifications menu, as on Honor/Huawei and Android Stock. You can decide how to display alerts on the lock screen.

Moreover, you might ask: What are the WhatsApp notifications that appear?

WhatsApp notifications are notifications that inform you about the existence of a certain fact or act that concerns you. To start, disable the conversation tone to avoid appearing as if you are talking. In the Messages and Groups sections, select No pop-up notification to avoid seeing chat windows appear unexpectedly.

Considering this, what does notification mean?

The process of formally and legally informing one or more predetermined recipients of the existence of a certain fact or act that concerns them is known as notification.

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