Come ritrovare le canzoni riconosciute da Google?

Thanks to the new "Search On" feature by Google, all you need to do is sing or whistle the tune to discover which song it is. Currently, this functionality is only available in English on iOS for iPhone and in twenty languages on Android.

To find a song by singing it, you can use the Google search function. Access the "search for a song" option by selecting the microphone icon. Google will give you some time to whistle or sing, and it will find the right melody. This option is available both in the widget and in the Google Search application.

If you hear a mysterious song somewhere, you can use the Shazam application to discover the title. Download the application, point your phone at the music for a few seconds, and then press the button. Most of the time, the application will be able to identify the title and artist of the song you are listening to.

Here are some methods to find a classical song:

  • SoundHound on Android, iOS, and iPadOS
  • Google
  • Midomi on the Internet
  • Musipedia on the Internet
  • AudioTag on the Internet
  • AHA Music as a Chrome extension

If you want to find a song from a video playing on your phone, you can enable Pop-Up mode on Android or use Auto Shazam on iOS. On Android, search for Shazam, then go to Settings, Library, and then Pop-up Shazam. Activate it. Go back to your video, start playing it, and Shazam will identify the song.

To find a song by whistling, simply access the Google Search app and tap on the microphone icon. Then click on the new "Search a song" button and sing or whistle the song you have in mind for 10-15 seconds.

All you have to do is tap the SoundHound icon and sing for a few seconds to discover the title of a song. After doing so, tap the screen again. In a few seconds, SoundHound will tell you the title and artist of the song.

If you have an Android device, you can use Google Assistant to find the title of a song. The proprietary service, Sound Search, based on the Shazam database, is great for this purpose.

Google has introduced a new voice search feature that allows you to identify a song that is being sung through your smartphone’s microphone. It is already included in your Android smartphone’s Google Assistant. Just say "OK Google, recognize this song" to activate it and start playing.

For example, you can type "lyrics of the song" text or "lyrics of the song" rhymes on Google. The search results page may guide you to the right title.

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