Come sbloccare un telefono Android con password dimenticata?

To unlock an Android phone with a forgotten password using the factory reset, follow these steps:

  1. Access the recovery mode by pressing and holding the "Volume Up" + "Home" + "Power" buttons for about ten seconds.
  2. When the device vibrates, do not release the buttons.
  3. The recovery mode screen will appear.
  4. Choose the "Wipe data" or "Factory reset" option from the menu.
  5. The process will take a few minutes.

If you don’t remember the password to unlock your Samsung smartphone, you can use the Smart Lock feature as follows:

  1. Go to the settings and choose "Smart Lock" and "Screen lock."
  2. Open the screen.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup by selecting an option.

To access the phone PIN, go to and sign in with your Google account. Select the locked phone and set a new password.

To reset a locked Samsung phone, enter the recovery mode of the device. The recovery mode screen will appear after pressing and holding the "Volume Up" + "Home" + "Power" buttons for about ten seconds. When the device vibrates, do not release the buttons.

To unlock a Samsung phone, simultaneously press the side button and the "Volume Up" button. Wait for the device to start. When the Android Recovery icon appears on the screen, release the side button while continuing to hold the "Volume Up" button.

To unlock a Samsung phone using a new PIN, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Lock my screen."
  2. Enter a new PIN in the top area.
  3. You will see a button that says "Lock" at the bottom. Click on it.
  4. After a few minutes, the system will change the security method to the PIN you just created, allowing you to access your Samsung phone.

If you lose your PIN, you can call your service provider to request a new PUK code. You will need to provide your name, date and place of birth, and tax code to the operator when making the request.

To force the phone to turn off, press the power button. Then, the device will restart by holding down the "Volume Up," "Power," and "Home" buttons until the recovery menu appears.

To reconfigure a locked Android phone, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the settings to find out how to format the Android device, even if it is locked or does not start.
  2. Choose "General management."
  3. Select "Reset."
  4. Restore the factory settings.

Press and hold the power button and the volume button for 30 seconds or until the main menu appears. From the main menu, choose "Wipe data/factory reset."

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