Come scaricare il gioco Candy Crush Saga gratis?

To access the other three similar games created by King, Candy Crush Soda Saga, Candy Crush Jelly Saga, and Candy Crush Friends Saga, simply go to the Play Store and type the keyword Candy Crush.

To obtain Candy Crush, go to the provided link and click on the "Sign In" label in the left box. On the new screen, enter your King account’s email address and password. Then press the "Sign In" button to access.

To restart Candy Crush Saga, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Candy Crush icon on your phone before logging into Facebook.
  2. On the Candy Crush homepage, click the "Connect!" button.
  3. Now you can start the game from the beginning.

To access Candy Crush on Facebook:

  1. Open the Candy Crush page from the left menu bar when accessing Facebook on your PC.
  2. At the bottom left of the game, select the "Play on Phone" option to access your Facebook account.

If you are unable to play Candy Crush Saga, try reinstalling the game. Reinstalling an application usually takes a few seconds if the Wi-Fi connection is normal. If manual restart didn’t solve the issue, try restarting Candy Crush.

If Candy Crush Soda Saga freezes on your PC or MAC, it might be because Adobe Flash Player is not updated. You can download the latest version by clicking here. Contact the support team if this doesn’t help.

To transfer all Candy Crush saves from one phone to another:

  1. Find the file manager or explorer, then choose Android and then Data.
  2. Locate the game folder and copy the OBB file.
  3. Do not open the new phone before installing the game.
  4. Place the OBB file in the same location on the newly purchased phone (Android, Data, > game folder).

You don’t need to use the Facebook application to play Candy Crush. The standalone Saga Candy Crush app can be installed and downloaded on your phone. To enter the game, you need to sign in with your Facebook account. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can enter the game using your Kingdom account.

Follow these steps to find your games on Facebook:

  1. Click on the top-right icon to access Facebook.
  2. Scroll down and select "Settings & Privacy," then choose "Settings."
  3. In the "Permissions" section, scroll down to the "Apps and Websites" section.
  4. Select the "Logged in with Facebook" option.

When the game is associated with an account:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. After logging in, access the game again.
  3. Try accessing it on another device to see if your progress is restored.
  4. You can also try uninstalling and restarting the game.

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