Come si cancella un account Google?

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To access the **Dati e privacy** section of your Google account, visit the section. Navigate to the section titled "Le tue opzioni relative a dati e privacy". Delete your Google password. To delete the account, follow the instructions. Therefore, how can I delete a Microsoft account? How to delete a Microsoft account: 

1. Open **Settings** by clicking on the **Start** button.
2. Then, go to **Accounts** and choose **Email & accounts**.
3. Manage the account you want to remove in the **Accounts used by email, contacts, and calendar** section.
4. Next, select **Delete account from this device** and select **Delete** to confirm deletion.

Where can I find my eBay orders? If you are looking for an answer to a question like "how can I track my orders on eBay", you simply need to access the **Purchase history** section of your account. Here you can quickly see the status of your most recent orders and a complete list of purchases you have made on eBay in the last two years.

In addition, people ask: How can I see what my orders are? It is easy to find order and shipment details. How to do it?

1. Open the purchase or shipment confirmation email that was sent by the Google Store.
2. Determine the order number.
3. To view orders that have been placed, log in to the **Order history** of the Google Store. Choose the order to review.

How to trace online purchases?

- Verify the order sequence.
- Open the **Google Play Store** application on your mobile device.
- Click on the menu. Agreement.
- Set up the purchase history.

How much does it cost to work as a professional seller on eBay? For the basic store, a monthly subscription of EUR 19.50 is required for listings. *Immediately free per month* A fee of 400 EUR for each additional listing; online auction listings are free per month. How much does it cost to open a store on eBay? To start selling on eBay, you need to open an account. Registration is free and easy to complete. How to resolve the issue of my eBay account being suspended indefinitely? We will send you an email with instructions on how to reactivate your eBay account if it has been suspended or restricted. In case of account block, limitation, or suspension, we will send you an email with an explanation of what happened and instructions on how to reactivate your account. How can I pay on eBay without a credit card, then? It will be appreciated to know that you can also pay for your eBay purchases using PayPal if you wish to use a credit card. You can also pay cash on delivery if the seller accepts it. How can I avoid paying taxes on eBay? If you primarily use eBay for a business activity and have a tax identification number, you may be exempt from paying VAT on eBay fees.

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