Come si fa a cancellare un account su Gmail?

To remove a Gmail account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Gmail application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Select the profile picture located in the top right corner.
  3. On this device, click on "Manage accounts".
  4. Choose your account.
  5. Click on "Remove account" at the bottom of the page.

Deleting a Telegram account is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. A code will be sent to your phone when you enter your mobile number in the user account.
  2. After correctly entering the code in the appropriate field, your account will be permanently deleted.

After starting the process of unsubscribing from Instagram, your profile will be blocked and permanently deleted within thirty days.

To delete an account on an iPhone or iPad, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Settings" application.
  2. Search for the account name at the top and scroll down to access the list of related devices.
  3. Click on "Remove" and confirm your choice.

To delete a Gmail account from your mobile phone (applies to any OPPO smartphone), follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings" and choose "Accounts and Sync".
  2. Select the Google account to be removed.
  3. Click on "Remove" and then "OK". Make sure to copy the lock screen code from the screen.

In some cases, you may still find a deactivated profile. However, if you click on the profile, it should display the message "User not found" or "Sorry, this page is not available."

To delete your Apple ID, visit the Apple website’s account deletion page. If you have never logged in before, click on "Confirm" and then on "Start" in the "Delete Account" section.

To delete your new Apple ID, follow these steps:

  1. Access
  2. In the "Login & Security" section, select your Apple ID.
  3. Enter the email address you want to use as your new Apple ID.
  4. Choose the option to "Edit Apple ID."

To remove an Apple ID from an iPhone without using a password, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Settings," then "General," and then "Reset All Settings."
  2. The device will automatically restart after resetting all settings.
  3. At this point, 4uKey will immediately begin removing the iCloud account or Apple ID.

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