Come si fa ad aggiornare Google Play Store?

  1. Open the app.
  2. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select the Settings Information section.
  4. Check for the available version in the Play Store.
  5. If an update is available, you will receive a message. Tap on it.

Google Play Services include app monitoring and updates, sending statistics to Google to help improve its products, and identifying us in apps using our Google account.

Google Play Services, also known as "Google Play Services," is a proprietary framework and API for Android devices by Google. This package of services is implemented in the background to enhance the user experience.

You can avoid paying for a Google Play subscription by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to your appropriate Google account on
  2. On the left side, click on "My Subscriptions."
  3. Select your subscription and click on "Cancel Subscription."

Check if "Android Device Manager" is present or absent in the list. Go back to the main screen and go to the "Applications" section. Find Google Play Services.

Deleting Google Service data will not affect other apps installed on your smartphone, and the data will not be deleted. Since they are linked to your Google account, purchases and paid subscriptions on the Play Store will remain unchanged.

To access the Huawei Play Store, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Google account settings by clicking on an application icon that is not already installed on your device, such as YouTube.
  2. The short advertisement will end with the opening of a familiar screen, the Google Play Store.

Due to a fee imposed by the US government, Huawei can no longer access Google Play Store on new devices. However, a new method has been released that allows for the free installation of Google services.

Resetting Google Play Store is simple:

  1. First, search for the Play Store app on the app screen or home screen of your device.
  2. Select the Play Store application and choose "Uninstall updates."
  3. If prompted to restore the factory version of the application in Play Store, confirm by pressing "OK."

Software – A Huawei smartphone without Google services.
Google stated in a blog post that Google Services are limited to Play Protect certified devices and not available on the P40 Lite.

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