Come si fa la ricerca per immagini con Android?

  1. Go to
  2. Find an image you want to search for.
  3. In the top right corner, click on "Search by image".
  4. A question might arise: How do you search for images using a mobile phone? You can try using ImageSearchMan, a free application that makes it easy to search for images on Android. If your device does not have Google services, you can download it from the Play Store or other app stores. The app provides an intuitive interface for image search.
  1. On the Custom Search homepage, click on your preferred search engine to start an image search.
  2. Next, choose the Basic Information tab and go to Configuration.
  3. In the Image Search section, toggle the image search selector to ON.
  1. Go to on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Search for an image and click on the one you have chosen.
  3. Select related images.

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