Come sovrapporre una traccia audio ad un video?

  1. Drag the video from the Playlist to the Timeline.
  2. Go to the Timeline menu and choose Add Audio Track.
  3. Select File and choose "Open Other".
  4. To change the language of a movie, tap on Show subtitles and audio at the bottom right or top right of the player during video streaming.
  5. Select a language in the "Audio" or "Subtitles" section.

MKV files are multimedia container formats. They can contain audio, video, and subtitle elements in a single file. For example, an MKV file could contain H.264 video and audio in formats like MP3 or AAC.

The MKV format, also known as Matroska Video, is a free standard container format that can hold multiple video, audio, and subtitle tracks in a single file.

  1. Ensure that the webOS TV is connected to a network.
  2. Sign in to the LG Developer website using your account.
  3. Visit the LG Content Store.
  4. Look for the "Developer Mode" option.
  5. Choose the Developer Mode application and click Install.
  1. Use the remote control and press the Settings button.
  2. Select "General".
  3. Choose TV Settings.
  4. Select the Check for updates option.

The web browser used by LG Smart TVs is WebOS, which comes pre-installed with Mozilla Firefox.

Some recommended applications for compressing video files:

  • HandBrake: The most effective program for compressing MKV or MP4 movies.
  • Freemake Video Converter: Another user-friendly program for compressing movies in MKV or MP4 format.
  • Avidemux: A useful program for compressing movies for free.

Step 1: Convert MKV to MP3.

  • Load the MKV file.
  • Choose the "MP3" option.
  • Select the preferred format (supporting over 200 formats).
  • Download your MP3 file.

To convert videos using VLC:

  1. Open the application (not the Windows 10 app).
  2. Go to the Media menu at the top and select Convert/Save.
  3. Alternatively, press CTRL-R on your keyboard to access this function quickly.

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