Come togliere il vocale dal telefono?

To disable the listening function on your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Press the "Settings" app.
  2. Select "Accessibility".
  3. Choose "Talkback".
  4. Click on "Disable Talkback".

Why Does Google Spy on Us?

Google collects search information along with data such as location, device used, and other details. Additionally, it stores physical activity, open applications, received notifications, and viewed photos on Google Images.

How Does Our Phone Listen to Us?

According to Camisani Calzolari, some apps can activate the smartphone’s microphone without the user’s knowledge, listen to conversations, and send the audio data to servers that convert it into text to be sold to specialized agencies for targeted advertising.

How Can I Block the Microphone on My Phone?

To block the microphone on your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the Start button to access Device Manager.
  2. Explore the "Audio Inputs and Outputs" section in the Device Manager window.
  3. Find your microphone interface.
  4. Right-click on the microphone and choose "Disable".

How Can I Block the Microphone on My iPhone?

To block the microphone on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Choose "Microphone".
  4. You will see a page containing all the applications authorized to use the microphone.
  5. To disable microphone access, simply toggle off the functionality.

Which Applications Use the Microphone?

To see which installed Android applications can access the microphone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the system settings.
  2. Select "Permissions".
  3. Choose "Microphone".

How Does Google Operate Without Interruptions?

To use the "Ok Google" Assistant with the screen off, you must hold the smartphone without using it. This way, you can call the virtual assistant through the lock screen.

Where Can I Find Google Settings?

Note: Google settings are no longer accessible through the app on modern Android smartphones. However, they can be found in various sections of the Settings or within the Google app. Open the Google app and select "Settings".

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