Come trasferire foto da Samsung a PC con cavo USB?

To transfer files from a phone to a computer using a USB cable, follow these steps:

  1. First, use a USB cable to connect your phone to a PC so that it can transfer the files.

  2. Unlock your phone to access it.

  3. Select the Start button on your computer and choose "Photos" to open the Photos application.

  4. Choose >Import> from a connected device and follow the instructions.

To copy images from your mobile phone to your computer using a USB cable, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "USB computer connection" notification on your device and choose "Media device (MTP)."

  2. Select the device on your computer.

  3. Choose the files to transfer between your computer and device.

To transfer photos from a Samsung Galaxy to a USB flash drive, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the USB flash drive to your computer or Samsung phone.

  2. Access the TunesGO app and click on "PHOTOS" at the top of the screen.

  3. A window with all the saved photos on your phone will appear. Select the photos to transfer to the flash drive and click "Export" to export them to your PC.

To transfer photos from a Samsung phone to a PC without using a USB cable, follow these steps:

  1. Use Google Photos, a cloud storage service offered by Google, to transfer photos from your Samsung phone to a PC without a cable.

To transfer Android files to a PC, follow these steps:

  1. Simply perform a simple copy and paste operation to transfer files from Android to PC.

  2. Right-click on the file you want to copy, choose the "Copy" option from the menu, and then go to the folder on your computer where you want to paste the file.

To transfer files from Android to a USB flash drive, follow these steps:

  1. The USB cable is the most commonly used method to connect the phone to the computer.

  2. Once the cable is connected to the smartphone, a window will appear asking you to allow data transfer. This step is necessary as the cable can only work for charging purposes.

To copy files from a Samsung phone to a PC, follow these steps:

  1. Use your Google account to transfer files to your Samsung smartphone.

  2. Click on the "Add" option, then click on the "Upload" command, and choose which files you want to upload.

To transfer photos from a Redmi phone to a computer, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start button (the flag icon) in the bottom bar, type "photos" on the keyboard, and click on the first suggestion that appears in the list.

  2. After connecting your smartphone to the PC, select the "Photo transfer" option from the pop-up on the screen.

The only free and unlimited backup option for photos is Google Photos. It is an application and a cloud service accessible via the web, allowing you to save a copy of the photos and videos taken or previously stored on Google’s servers.

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