Come usare le estensioni di Chrome su Android?

To install and manage extensions, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Select the extension you want to install.
  3. Choose "Add" in Chrome.
  4. Some extensions may require specific data or permissions. Click "Add extension" to approve.

AdBlock Plus is an extension available for the following browsers: Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. Additionally, it is an Android application that allows you to remove ads, also known as advertisements, from many web pages.

The easiest way to block ads on YouTube Android without subscribing to YouTube Premium is to use a web browser that incorporates the "ad block" feature. They become operational immediately after direct installation from the Play Store, without the need for any additional settings.

I will explain how to completely remove ads from your phone if the main browser is Chrome. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the tab and click on the three vertical dots located in the top right corner.
  2. Click on "Settings" and then on "Site settings".
  3. Finally, remove the selection for "Pop-ups".

Removing ads from Android applications is as easy as this:

  1. Open the Chrome application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Navigate to a web page.
  3. To the right of the address bar, select "More".
  4. Click on "Site settings".
  5. Click on "Notifications" in the "Permissions" section.
  6. Disable the toggle.

To enable pop-up blocking in Chrome for Android, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the browser and tap on the (⋮) button in the top right corner.
  2. Select "Settings" from the menu that appears.
  3. Then, click on "Site settings", "Pop-ups and redirects".
  4. Turn the toggle switch at the top of the screen to OFF.

Regardless of the ad-blocking extension you use, disabling an adblock is simple and fast. Usually, all you need to do is access your browser settings and press the option to disable it completely.

To install the Chrome extension on Android, you need to access the website Here, you can access the page with Chrome extensions and search for the extension you need for your Android smartphone.

  1. Click on the menu with the three dots in the top right corner, just like you would in Chrome.
  2. Select "Extensions" from the options displayed vertically.
  3. The extensions installed in the browser will be displayed on the next screen.

AdBlock is an extension developed by Michael Gundlach from the United States. It functions to block ads and filter content in the Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge browsers.

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