Cosa fare se il computer non si spegne?

How to Shut Down a Computer

Most computers can be shut down by simply pressing and holding the Power button for a few seconds until the machine turns off.

How to Restart a Computer

To restart a computer that is not functioning properly, press and hold the Power button until it turns off. Then, press the Power button again after a short pause to restart the computer.

Shutting Down the Computer Using the Keyboard

To shut down the computer using the keyboard, the most popular method is to press Alt and F4 simultaneously from the desktop screen. After completing this process, simply press "Enter" to turn off the computer. It is important to note that using the same shortcut, both Windows 10 and other versions can also restart the system.

What to Do If the Computer is Unresponsive

When the computer is not responding normally, you can open the task manager by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ESC and then close the application or program that is not responding. This is necessary because it may be using 99% of the CPU or consuming too much RAM.

What to Do If the Computer Does Not Respond to Commands

If the computer does not respond to commands, follow these steps:

  1. To unlock it, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
  2. After entering the login details of the last connected user, click OK.
  3. Once the Unlock Computer dialog box disappears, log in normally by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL.

What to Do If CTRL ALT DEL Does Not Work

If the CTRL+ALT+DEL combination on the screen does not work or cannot be clicked, you can try one of the following solutions:

  • Restore the system.
  • Start the repair process.
  • Turn off Fastboot.
  • Restart the graphics drivers.

Why Is the Keyboard Not Working Properly?

Cleaning the keyboard can solve the issue. To do this, take a can of compressed air, isopropyl alcohol, a cotton swab, and a thin screwdriver or another tool to lift the keys. Use these tools to thoroughly clean the keyboard.

Which Key Gets Stuck?

Typically, the Caps Lock key, located on the left side of the keyboard between the Shift key and the Tab key, has a lock-shaped icon. However, depending on the model of ASUS PC you have, the Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys may be positioned differently.

How to Unlock the Keyboard in Windows 10

Access the Control Panel to unlock the keyboard in Windows 10. To make using the keyboard easier, select Accessibility, then Ease of Access Center, and finally Ease of Access Keyboard Settings. Make sure to disable all options in that section. Then, verify that your keyboard is functioning correctly.

How to Activate the Keyboard

To activate the on-screen keyboard switch, go to Start and select Settings. You will have a keyboard that you can use to navigate the screen and type text. As long as it is not closed, the keyboard will remain on the screen.

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