Quali sono le canzoni italiane più ascoltate?

  1. "Malibu" by Sangiovanni
  2. "Mi fai impazzire" by Blanco and Sfera Ebbasta
  3. "Notti in bianco" by Blanco
  4. "La canzone nostra" by Mace, Blanco, and Salmo
  5. "Nuovo range" by Rkomi, Sfera Ebbasta, and Junior K

The current hit song is "Romance" by Fred De Palma & Justin Quiles.

  • "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
  • "Sweet Child O’ Mine" by Guns N’ Roses
  • "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana
  • "Imagine" by John Lennon
  • "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran
  • "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin
  • "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

The most listened song on Spotify is "Drivers License" by Olivia Rodrigo.

The video with the highest number of views on YouTube is "Baby Shark Dance" by Pinkfong, with over 10 billion views.

To use voice commands on Spotify, simply say "Hey Spotify" followed by the desired title to start the app and play a song, album, or playlist. However, hands-free usage is not fully supported.

If Spotify is not working properly, there may be an issue with your device. Make sure your device is supported and up to date. Ensure that you have at least 250 MB of available memory. Check if your firewall is blocking Spotify if you are using the desktop version.

To access Google Assistant, hold down the Home button and say "Ok Google." The assistant can browse the internet for information, schedule events and reminders, customize settings based on preferences, and display user’s Google account information.

If YouTube Music is not working correctly, try the following steps:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Check for system updates in your device settings.
  3. Clear the cache of YouTube Music.
  4. You can access these functions by going to the device settings menu or by uninstalling and reinstalling the YouTube Music app.

To access YouTube Music using Android Auto:

  1. Make sure you have access to the YouTube Music app.
  2. Open Android Auto and go to the Music tab.
  3. Start your listening experience by selecting YouTube Music in the Music tab.

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