Quante persone hanno scaricato Discord?

How many people use Discord?

As of July 21, 2019, over 250 million people have used the software.

What are the best Discord bots?

The best bots for Discord are MEE6, DYNO, PROBOT, TATSU, and ARCANE. These bots are great for managing a Discord server.

How do I create an AFK channel?

To create an AFK channel, right-click on the server name, go to "Server Settings," and choose "Overview." Select the "—AFK—" channel and set the desired inactivity duration. After this period, the person will be automatically moved to the newly created channel. That’s all you need to do after saving the settings.

How much does Discord Nitro cost?

Discord Nitro offers two options: Nitro Classic and Nitro. They cost $9.99 per month. With Nitro, you can have a custom Discord tag number, animated avatars, access to custom emojis from any channel you’re a part of, and server enhancements for your favorite communities.

What is the price of Discord Nitro?

The subscription for Discord Nitro costs $99.99 per year (app prices may increase due to store fees) or $9.99 per month. In any case, you might ask: What is the cost of Discord Nitro?

How can I join a server on Discord?

You need an invitation link to join a Discord server. If you don’t know anyone who can invite you, visit https://www.discordlist.net. Choose the full invitation link next to the server you want to join, then press Ctrl + C on Windows or ⌘ Cmd + C on MacOS.

What do Discord moderators do?

The main task of a moderator is to ensure that the community rules are respected and, if necessary, moderate disagreements between users.

How can I view roles with Discord?

If you click on the "Select Roles" dropdown menu, you will see a new menu with the complete list of roles on your server. Now you can click on the desired role names to view the server as a user with a specific combination of roles and see how it appears from their perspective.

How can I create invisible names with Discord?

To get an invisible name on Discord:

  1. Click on "My Account" in the left sidebar.
  2. Next to your username, click on "Edit."
  3. Copy the special character below.
  4. Paste the invisible character into your username.
  5. Enter your password to make the changes.

How can a Discord server be modified?

In the top left, search for the server name to modify the server settings. There will be a downward arrow next to it. Click on this arrow to access the server menu. Now you can choose the "Server Settings" menu.

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