Come cancellare un account Twitch da telefono?

To disable your Twitch account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu located at the top right corner.
  3. Choose "Settings".
  4. Scroll down to the "Disable Your Twitch Account" section at the bottom of the Settings page.

Deleting your Twitter account is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. In the top menu, select the profile icon or the navigation menu.
  2. Then, select "Settings and Privacy".
  3. You may find the option "Account" and choose to deactivate your account.
  4. Make sure to carefully read the deactivation information before pressing the "Deactivate" button to confirm.

To delete a past broadcast on Twitch, follow these steps:

  1. Continue watching Twitch and go to the past broadcast you want to delete.
  2. On the far right, select the three-dot icon.
  3. Choose "Delete" from the small menu that appears, which should be the final option in the menu.

To disable Twitch emails, follow these steps:

  1. Click directly on the link in the email message to access the notification settings.
  2. Navigate to the "Advanced" section.
  3. Alternatively, you can directly access

To delete a Google account, go to the "Data & Privacy" section of your Google account.

  1. Navigate to the section titled "Your options regarding data and privacy".
  2. Follow the provided instructions to delete the account.

To change your Twitch account, go to the profile settings.

  1. Next to your username, you will see the new edit option.
  2. This new feature can only be used once every 60 days.
  3. If you change your mind, Twitch will keep your previous username for at least six months, allowing you to reuse it.

To remove Twitter from your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the profile icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Choose "Settings and Privacy", then click on "Account".
  3. Click on the "Deactivate your account" button.
  4. When prompted, tap on "Deactivate" and enter your password.
  5. Tap on "Deactivate" and then tap "Yes, deactivate".

To disable a suspended Twitter account, follow these steps:

  1. Submit a request in the provided space to disable your suspended account.
  2. Additionally, the contacts listed in the "Additional Information and Assistance" section of our Privacy Policy can be used to submit the requests.

To remove people who continue to watch your first videos:

  1. Access the profile using the top right icon.
  2. Select "Account and Settings".
  3. Choose the "Watch History" section.
  4. Click on the "X" to choose which movies and series to remove from the list.

To view old Twitch streams on your computer:

  1. Simply go to the main page of your Twitch channel.
  2. Access the "Videos" section.
  3. This section contains all the streams from the past 14/60 days.

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