Come scaricare i video da YouTube su Android?

To download videos from YouTube on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Choose a video or playlist to save and click on "share".
  3. After selecting the icon with the green arrow from, you will see the red "download" button below the video.
  4. Click on the button to download the YouTube video through the website.

To watch and remove the downloaded videos, follow these steps:

  1. In the Collection tab of the YouTube mobile app, tap on "Download" to view the downloaded videos or playlists.
  2. There are two methods to remove the downloaded videos:
    • After selecting the video to remove, click on "Downloaded".
    • In the YouTube app, go to the Library section and remove the video from there.

To watch movies offline without internet, you can use various platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, TED, Google Play Movies & TV, YouTube Red, and Vimeo.

To download YouTube videos on your mobile device, you can use an app called NewPipe, which is available for Android devices. NewPipe allows you to download YouTube videos on your mobile phone, and it is one of the best apps for playing YouTube videos in the background. It is completely free and easy to use.

To download YouTube videos for free without installing a program on your mobile, follow these steps:

  1. View the video on YouTube and choose to download it.
  2. Copy the URL of the video (the webpage).
  3. Visit a website like or any other website you prefer.
  4. Enter the video URL in the search bar.
  5. Click on the "Download" button to start downloading.

To watch YouTube videos without internet, you can use the YouTube Go app for Android. This app is designed to work in situations with limited connectivity. Users can choose the resolution while streaming or save a video to watch it offline. They can also preview videos by tapping on a thumbnail.

To watch kids on YouTube without interruption, follow these steps:

  1. In the YouTube app, select the lock icon in the bottom corner of any page.
  2. Enter the displayed numbers or your custom passcode.
  3. After selecting Settings, choose Background and offline.
  4. Use the option button to select "Save only on Wi-Fi".

To save YouTube videos for offline viewing on your Android smartphone or tablet, follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to have the YouTube app installed.
  2. Then, you will need to install a useful application like TubeMate or Videoder for this purpose.
  3. Downloading the content onto your device will allow you to enjoy it anytime.

Saved YouTube videos can be found in the Library section of the YouTube app. To access them, click on the YouTube logo, and a sidebar with options will appear. Select the "Library" section.

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