Come scaricare video da YouTube su tablet?

To download YouTube videos on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Choose a video or playlist to save.
  3. Click on the "Share" button.
  4. Select the icon with the green arrow.
  5. You will see a red "Download" button below the video.
  6. Click on the button to download the YouTube video through the website.

To view MP4 files on an iPad, you can use VLC, a popular media player available for Android, iOS, and iPadOS. Follow these steps:

  1. Download VLC from the App Store.
  2. Install VLC on your iPad.
  3. Open VLC and select the MP4 file you want to play.

To download movies on iPad without using iTunes, you can use Veezie. Follow these steps:

  1. Download Veezie from the App Store using this link.
  2. Install Veezie on your iPad.
  3. Open Veezie and follow the instructions to download movies.

According to Migliori Tecnologie, the 7 best tablets for watching movies in 2022 are:

  • Apple iPad Pro (2021)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S7
  • Lenovo Tab P11
  • Apple iPad Air 4
  • Fire HD 10 Tablet
  • Microsoft Surface Go 2
  • Apple iPad 8

To save downloaded movies and TV shows from Netflix, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Netflix app and tap on "More" or the profile icon.
  2. Choose "App Settings".
  3. In the Download section, select the location for the download.
  4. Choose where to save the downloaded titles.

Most devices have the Netflix app in the main menu or accessible through a dedicated button on the remote. If Netflix is not displayed, you can download it from the device’s app store.

To convert Netflix files, you can use Freemake Video Converter. Follow these steps:

  1. Install Freemake Video Converter on your Windows computer.
  2. Launch the program.
  3. Convert the Netflix video to DVD format.

To save a PDF file on your iPad, follow these steps:

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Find the PDF you want to save within the browser.
  3. Tap on one of the buttons displayed on the website, such as "Download", "Open", or "PDF".

To view downloads in Safari, click on the "Show Downloads" button in the top-right corner of the Safari window on a Mac. If the download list is empty, the button will not appear.

To download apps that are not compatible with iOS on your iPad, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your iPad to a computer with the latest version of iTunes installed.
  2. Access the App Store using your iTunes account.
  3. Download the desired application directly to your computer.
  4. Follow the steps to install the incompatible apps on your iPad.

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