Come si mette Avast in pausa?

To temporarily disable all main protections in Avast, follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings screen for all main protections.
  2. Click on the green slider (ON) and choose a time interval to disable all main protections.
  3. Click OK and continue.

To add an advanced exception to prevent Avast from blocking a website, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Avast antivirus and select the ☰ menu to access the settings.
  2. Choose Exceptions under General.
  3. Click on Add advanced exception.
  4. Then, select the tab for the type of exception.

To properly remove Avast files, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the antivirus icon in the notification area next to the Windows clock.
  2. In the Avast Protection Control menu, select one of the available options.

The free Avast Mobile Security application, available on Android, allows you to protect smartphones and tablets from malware and avoid using insecure WiFi networks. However, Avast is not available as anti-malware software on iPhone and iPad, but it offers features such as a password manager and VPN solution.

To disable the antivirus, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start and search for "Windows Security".
  2. Select the Windows Security app from the search results.
  3. Then, go to Virus & threat protection and choose Manage settings in the Virus & threat protection settings.
  4. Configure Protection to be turned off in real-time.

To disable the antivirus on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the antivirus icon.
  2. After right-clicking on the antivirus icon, look for an option that resembles disable, stop, or turn off.
  3. If you don’t see any of these options, double-click the icon and look for a similar option in the antivirus menus.

To start using web protection, follow these steps:

  1. On the main screen, select the Phone Manager icon.
  2. Choose the Protected Apps tab in the Settings.
  3. Set up the application protection for Bitdefender Mobile Security.

To establish web protection, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings on the main page.
  2. Choose Internet and protect your browsing.
  3. Select one of the listed options.
  4. Click OK.
  5. If the browser is open, restart it to apply the changes.

To completely remove a file from quarantine:

  1. In the Quarantine, select the checkbox next to the file you want to remove.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Click Delete to confirm.

Here is a brief guide to the best free PC antivirus software to download and use without time or functionality limitations:

  • Avast Free Antivirus
  • Free Kaspersky Security Cloud 2021
  • Avira Free Antivirus
  • AVG Free Antivirus 2021
  • Bitdefender Free Antivirus 2021

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